This I Know Study - Week 1 BONUS (Audio Only)
This I Know – Week 1 BONUS
A Known God (pages 17-53)
Acts 17:16-34 & Isaiah 44:12-23
At the conclusion of Week 1, Breanne offered that she had one more question to ask on this week. This is the conversation on that question…
How do you cultivate this experiential knowledge of God?
Lauren: Step out of your comfort zone. – Not easy, but you have to put yourself in risky situations so you can see God show up. I am not saying to jump out of airplanes or throw your money away. But there might be an opportunity that you are nervous about – do that. Speak, serve, go. I have seen God prove to me what I knew in my head to be true to be actually true in my experience as well.
Lisa: Stepping into community. – Seeing how other people’s testimonies of how God is working allows me to see more. They also ask me questions to reflect. Prodding questions. Accountability in those conversations. Relationship with stronger believers that encourage you to follow His calling.
Julie: Reflection of past to future. – Bible memorization – Acts 17:28, “In him we live and move and have our being”. As I do life, why would I not want to surrender to Him. Align my will to His will. “An experience from the past gives meaning to the present and it functions as a compass for the future.” Rahab remembered God’s faithfulness in the past and that gave info for the present.
Breanne: Wonder & Attentiveness. – Wonder was two things, getting out into creation & having conversations with children. First with creation I can see your handiwork is here. When I am in creation and surrounded by it, I can see His majesty. Being in Yellowstone blew my mind as it felt like I was on another planet. I can look to creation and see how God works. There is order to the whole thing. All these things fill me with worship and wonder. When I am frustrated with something I throw myself into wonder.
The second is children. – When I did the advent podcast I got to watch the Holy Spirit give them answers and process these questions. The faith of a child is a legit, beautiful thing!
Attentiveness – Feeling “in the story,” but also pulling back and having a bird’s eye view. This can be through prayer and keeping account of prayer through your story. Ask the Lord to give you eyes to see what He is doing. He is often different than what He “should” in our minds. Let me sit back and just watch what He is doing. He is so faithful to show me what He is doing. Not the future and the ins and outs but that He is working.
Alert – Through the rest of the study we will see how God calls us to be alert. Fight for this experiential knowledge. The Lord is for you in this. He will reveal Himself to you. We have a burden for the women of our church to know God in His truth in the head knowledge and be smart and think deeply but we want that balanced with the knowledge that He is in these moments with you, and you can know He is with you.
In This Week’s Video:

Lauren Soules

Lisa Lewis

Breanne Fuelling

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