Philippians STudy - Chapter 7 (Audio Only)
Living for What Really Matters – Chapter 7
The Lord’s Provision – Philippians 4:10-23
We are completing our study of Philippians. The Lord’s Provision which is a reminder that it is ultimately the Lord that is providing, and not us doing work.
Lauren shares on page 223 – “We don’t serve out of our strength though…..We serve in the strength the Lord provides.” So often I feel done because I am serving in my own strength. So often I fall short in this.
Julie – Phil 4:11 – being content. Independent of external circumstances. God has given Paul everything that he needs. I need to shift thoughts that are causing discontent in my life.
The secret = being a student of learning contentment.
There is a conversation about Phil 4:13. This verse is often used out of context. We get stuck on it being I can do all things. It really is about going through circumstances because I am doing it in God. It is not that I can do anything. (much more is said)
Breanne talked about the significance she found in the introduction and now the conclusion (contrary to her natural bent to skim over these things). 4:21-23 “Greet all God’s people in Christ Jesus. The brothers and sisters who are with me send greetings. All God’s people here send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen”
Greet every saint. In Haiti, greetings are a big deal. When we visit we send greetings and they give us greetings. The Haitian church has such a value for seeing everyone. These greetings see everyone. It gives honor. This statement from Paul is a reminder that everyone plays a part.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. This is the empowerment of your spirit. The infusion of power.
Lauren shares the “so whats” of this passage. Such disappointment she doesn’t have her braveheart paint.
We are called to be of one mind. To have the same love – this is the embrace/pull to self love.
In addition to greetings in Haiti, it is super hot. You are never cool while there. When we visit our sister church we have many differences but while there we see such unity. We are of one mind in Christ with them and we embrace this unity.
We have a big mission from God.
Now, Arise Church.
Be of one mind & purpose. This is the mission God has given us.
Church Arise: Be of one mind, one heart, and one purpose.
Pg 231 – “unity means living out the Good News of Jesus in the world around us. Yes, we uphold the truth of God’s Word, but it should push us to live out what it’s for – not be known for sitting back and being against things.”
The church should not be known for what we are against. Be the church that is for something – generosity, love, Christ. We are for the gospel which included – forgiveness, grace, newness, and redemption. We should have a huge bright arrow pointing to Jesus in all that we do.
Paul ends the letter seeming so full and content. Like he is living the ministry he is called to. Arise both individually, but also corporately.
We end just asking you to reflect on what you gleaned from the book of Philippians…
What does it look like for you to live for what really matters?
In This Week’s Video:

Lauren Soules

Lisa Lewis

Breanne Fuelling

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