Vision Dinner 2020

Fill out this form to make a donation commitment for 2020. 

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 Thank you for your generosity!

2019 Annual Report

When Jesus created the local church, He designed a community with His followers in mind. The church is meant to be a place of training, encouragement, help, mission, community transformation, and more. No church is able to live up to each of these perfectly, but it is our aim to fulfill Jesus’ intention for the local church in our communities.

Our 2019 annual report outlines just a few of the ways we saw God move this year.

He is faithful, He is good, and He keeps his promises.

Join The West Plant Core Team!

We are looking for 200 people to GO join the West Church Plant later in 2020 when it begins. Before then, we also need a group of enthusiastic people to join the CORE TEAM to help dream, plan, and pray for this new church plant.

Do you want to join the CORE TEAM?