
Connection, Growth, and Love

When Jesus created the local church, He designed a community with His followers in mind. Each of us is a sinner who struggles in so many ways, but Jesus intentionally designed the local church to be a place of training, encouragement, help, mission, community transformation, & more. At Village Church, groups are one of the best ways you can find connection, personal growth, & people who love & support you through all of life’s seasons.

We have multiple types of groups, and we know that no matter your circumstances or stage of life, there’s a group for you at Village!

Sara Yun

Sara Yun

Connections and Groups Director

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Community Groups

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CGs aim to deepen our personal walks with Jesus through Bible study and extended sermon discussions, while growing our connections with others through community-driven relationships. Community Groups meet weekly throughout the school year. With groups meeting every night of the week, and groups for marrieds, singles, and young adults, there’s a group for everyone.

Village Men Groups

Our men’s ministry desires for all men at Village Church to connect with God, His Word, and other men, to help them go, grow, and overcome in their daily lives, equipping our men to be spiritual leaders both inside and outside the home. Village Men’s groups meet throughout the year and focus on studying God’s word & providing wise counsel & support to one another.

Our theme this year comes from Ephesians 5:14 – Awake, and Rise!

Village Women Groups

Our women’s ministry disciples women through the study of God’s word, prayer, and encouragement, in order to prepare them to go, grow, and overcome in their daily lives. This year, our theme is “Arise” as we seek to arise and follow Jesus each day.

Village Women runs regular Bible study groups throughout the year, as well as Book Clubs, and in-home events called in order to provide environments for deeper connection among our women.

Moms Alive Groups

Moms Alive serves mothers of children ages 0-18 in the Bartlett area, providing encouragement, deep connection, and support during this stage of life. These groups meet in homes throughout the school year and connect you based on where you feel you need the most support – whether that be with moms who have been through it before, or moms who are in the thick of it with you! Our prayer is that Moms Alive makes being a mom just a bit easier.