Global Outreach

Being the hands and feet of Jesus across the globe
Carissa Dahik

Carissa Dahik

Global Outreach Director

Village Church is committed to global outreach through: our sister-church partnership, short-term missions trips and support, and long-term missionary support.

Our Sister Church

Our Sister Church

We have a church partnership with Ducis Baptist Church in Ducis, Haiti. Over the years, we have had the opportunity to send many short-term missions teams, and we’ve supported them through prayer, gifts, and relationships.

Current Pastor: Yvon Jacquet – His wife’s name is Carline Dorenard, and they have 4 children; 2 girls and 2 boys (one is adopted).

Missions Organization: This partnership is through Reciprocal Ministries International (RMI) –

Hope For Kidz

Hope For Kidz is a very important branch of our Ducis Ministry. It enables members of Village Church to sponsor Haitian children to attend school for a year.

What does the sponsorship provide? Your sponsorship provides: school books for one year; a school uniform; a pair of shoes; school tuition; school entrance fee; solid Christian education; and a hot lunch (in some areas).

Want more info on Hope For Kidz? Visit the webpage –

Our Missionaries

Brian and Sandee Rhodes

Brian & Sandee Rhodes

Current Ministry: Bringing the Gospel to children all around the world.

Serving: Internationally



Art & Vicki Reyes

Current Ministry: Church Planting

Serving: San Jose del Cabo, Mexico


Dawn Shoemaker

Dawn Shoemaker

Current Ministry: RMI communication.  Also, hospitality and caring for visiting teams in Haiti.  She goes with teams to visit their C3 partner churches as the missionary host.

Serving: Haiti


Catherine & Nemo

Current Ministry: Church Planting

Serving: Peru

Dan Shoemaker

Dan and Debbie Shoemaker

Current Ministry: President and Director of Communications at RMI

Serving: Internationally


Ben and Ashley Dewing

Ben and Ashley Dewing

Current Ministry: Working with Native American youth.

Serving: Crandon, WI



Dave and Sue Rousseau

Current Ministry: Harare Theological College

Serving: Zimbabwe



Jim and Kappy Robinette

Current Ministry: Pastoral training, Grassroots Leadership training, Prison ministry, Preaching and teaching, EBIKOLWA House Ministry Center, HIV/AIDS outreach

Serving: Uganda

Learn more about their work at