EXPLORE GOD Discussion Groups

We all have questions, and we all wonder. Our Explore God Discussion Groups
create a space to ask hard questions about life, God, and Jesus.


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Session Number

<h3> <font color="#ffffff">Session2: Is There a God?<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></font></h3><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h6><font color="#ffffff">++ week of 1/20/2019 ++</font></h6><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h6><font color="#ffffff">(1 hour session)</font></h6>

Dostoevsky said, “Without God, everything is permitted.” Thus, knowing the answer to today’s question helps us know how to live. Do we live in submission to God or to ourselves only?  A.W. Tozer famously quipped, “What comes to mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

Video 1: Pulse of the World: God

Almost everyone seems to have an opinion on whether or not God exists. What do you think? Is there a God? We asked people around the world these questions and captured their perspectives on film. Watch what others have to say about God’s existence.

Questions to Consider and Discuss
  • Did you identify with anyone’s expressed views in the film? If so, who and what resonated with you?
  • To what do you attribute the 11 percent decline in the belief of God over the past twenty years?
Video 2: The Curiosity Collective: Is There A God?

The Curiosity Collective is a collection of subject matter experts discussing the question “Is there a God?” It displays the various questions, struggles, and perspectives of these individuals regarding this session’s topic. See what they have to say and discuss it.

Questions to Consider and Discuss
  • In what ways can you identify with any of the stories in The Curiosity Collective? What did you find intriguing or compelling?
  • What makes it easy to believe in God? What makes it hard to believe in God?
  • What role—if any—did God play in your family when you were growing up? How does your upbringing impact your beliefs now?
  • In the video, Andy shares that he’s convinced God exists because of “cosmological constants” and their impact on life. What has convinced you that God either does or does not exist?
  • What do you think of Corey’s suggestion, “If there is a God, I can’t prove him, nor can I disprove him with science”?
  • What do you think could convince you to change your current stance on God’s existence—be that belief or unbelief?
Scripture Focus

Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” In other words, creation reflects its creator. If God exists, all people have seen and experienced God, though they might not have known it or attributed that experience to God.

  • In what ways have you experienced (or not experienced) God’s presence through creation?
  • How did those experiences affect your belief (or disbelief) in God?
  • If you keep a journal, take some time this week to note your experiences.

To the best of your ability, summarize the main points of your group’s discussion. Or, if you
are more comfortable, use the text below as a launching pad for concluding the session.

Most of us “hope there’s something else out there.” And the thoughts people have about God are as diverse as the people who’ve thought them. Most have attributed their life to some form of god or Supreme Being. As we saw and discussed, there is ample evidence supporting this. Yet, it seems, for us to be confident that there is a God, he/she/it must “reveal himself to us in a way that makes sense.”

  • This week, keep an open mind and consider how the creation around you might speak of God and his plans.
Explore More on God

The following resources are designed for deeper exploration of the topic of God.

Evidence of God
Are We Created?

Is God Real?
Is God Personal?

Daily Stream of Inspiration
Top 50 Questions About God

Recommended Books
The Reason for God, Tim Keller
Rumors of Another World, Philip Yancey 

Additional Content on God