EXPLORE GOD Discussion Groups
We all have questions, and we all wonder. Our Explore God Discussion Groups
create a space to ask hard questions about life, God, and Jesus.
Join the conversation.
Session Number
This Explore God Discussion Group is an opportunity for all of us to consider what we think about lots of spiritual issues. Each week we’ll gather like this to watch two short films. Then we’ll take some time to discuss them, poke holes in them, agree, and disagree. There’s nothing for you to prepare each week, and you can participate at whatever level you feel comfortable. That’s one great thing about this group—it’s a discussion. It’s about exploration. The reality is that none of us has it all figured out. We all have questions and we can probably learn something from everyone. Can we each respect one another’s views? We’re not here to debate or argue. We’re not here to fight. We’re not here to bite, kick, scratch, and spit. We’re here to foster great conversation around arguably some of the most important questions we all have.
Video 1: Pulse of the World: Purpose
Does life have a purpose? Why are we here? We asked people around the world these questions and captured their perspectives on film. Watch what others have to say about the purpose of life.
Questions to Consider and Discuss
- Did you identify with anyone’s expressed views in the film? If so, who and what resonated with you?
- Are you surprised to learn that 85 percent of people are clear about the meaning and purpose of their life (64 percent strongly agree and 21 percent somewhat agree)? Why or why not?
Video 2: The Curiosity Collective: Does Life Have a Purpose?
The Curiosity Collective is a collection of subject matter experts discussing the question “Does life have a purpose?” It displays the various questions, struggles, and perspectives of these individuals regarding this session’s topic. See what they have to say and discuss it.
Questions to Consider and Discuss
- In what ways can you identify with any of the stories in The Curiosity Collective? What did you find intriguing or compelling?
- In the video, Lysa observed, “If I could just discover the right thing, a better job, financial blessing, the right person to love me, the right kids with the right accolades, then I’d feel satisfied.” In what things have you sought satisfaction? Did they satisfy?
- Can you share both a time when life seemed like a random series of events and a time when it seemed like there was an intentional plan unfolding?
- In what ways might someone’s view of eternity affect their sense of meaning and purpose?
- If you believe we all have a purpose, what role does God play in that—if any?
Scripture Focus
Jesus states in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Discovering our purpose is one of the most important endeavors in life. If what Jesus says is true, then if we simply ask, seek, and knock, God will meet us wherever we are and address our heart’s desire.
- How does this thought impact you? If it’s true that “each of us has a pretty unique story to play” in the world, what’s your role?
Wrap Up
When life seems to make little sense, it’s easy to fall prey to the “It’s meaningless!” trap. Indeed, the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes is built around these very words. In stark contrast stands the book of Job, in which the lead character exclaims, “Though [God] slay me, yet I will hope in him” (Job 13:15). In other words, hard experiences in life can jade us to any sense of purpose. Rather than looking at life through the lens of our experience, another option is to look for some sense of truth outside ourselves.
Explore More on Purpose
The following resources are designed for deeper exploration of the topics of purpose and the meaning of life.
How Do You Find Purpose In Life?
The Pursuit of Purpose
What Is My Purpose
Does Life Have A Purpose?
Recommended Books
The Life You’ve Always Wanted, John Ortberg
The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren
Additional Content on Life’s Purpose
Meaning and Purpose