Village Women
Supporting and Encouraging Women in Their Walks with Jesus

Diane Neal
Women’s Ministry Director
Our Women’s Ministry is for women of all stages of life. We passionately disciple women through the study of God’s Word, prayer, and encouragement in order to prepare them to “Go, Grow, and Overcome” in their every day lives. We meet throughout the year for bible study, activities, and fellowship.
Upcoming Events

Women’s Fall Brunch
September 14 | 9:30 – 11:00 am | Village Church of Bartlett
Village Women, we are excited to kick off the new ministry year with our treasured Fall Brunch! The morning will be spent reconnecting, enjoying delicious food, and hearing about our plans to ‘Grow’ together this fall. Our high school and college age ladies are also invited, and guests are always welcome! Please RSVP if you plan to attend.