Carol Stream 4th of July Parade Saturday, July 2nd| 10:00 a.m.| Carol Stream parade route Everyone, put on your parade T-shirts (coming soon for each volunteer), and walk in the annual Carol Stream 4th of July Parade on Saturday, July 2nd as we hand out cold water bottles and candy. You can park your vehicle at Fountainview, and a shuttle will […]
Adult Bible Fellowship Sunday mornings| 9:00 a.m.| Fellowship Church Calling all adults! Join us this Sunday for our first Summer Together ABF on the book of Philippians taught by elder Brent Amato. Brent has been teaching ABF's and discipling many people for over 40 years. You won't want to miss this engaging and practical study.
EDGE Youth July 3rd | 12:30 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.| Fellowship Church Gym Edge exists to bring about intentional transformation in the lives of students in grades 7-12. We meet twice a month to hang out, play games, eat snacks, and listen to what God has to say to us through His Word. Join us this Sunday after church at […]
Summer Together Picnic July 10th | Following A.M. service| Fellowship Church Join us immediately following the morning worship service on Sunday July 10th and 24th for our next picnics together. Each family... bring one main dish to share and a side dish or dessert. Beverages, plates, cups, napkins and utensils will be provided.
Edge Youth July 17th | 12:30 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.| Fellowship Church Gym Edge exists to bring about intentional transformation in the lives of students in grades 7-12. We meet twice a month to hang out, play games, eat snacks, and listen to what God has to say to us through His Word. Join us this Sunday after church at […]
Vacation Bible School 2022 July 18-22 | 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Village Church of Bartlett We are excited to host our Vacation Bible School this summer! This year’s theme Zoomerang will cause your child to marvel at the unforgettable wildlife, culture, and beauty of Australia while exploring the wonder and value of life, from the lives […]
Summer Together Picnic July 24th | Following A.M. service| Fellowship Church Join us immediately following the morning worship service on Sunday July 10th and 24th for our next picnics together. Each family... bring one main dish to share and a side dish or dessert. Beverages, plates, cups, napkins and utensils will be provided.