Sunday Worship Service

Fountain View Recreation Center 910 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL, United States

Worship with us this Sunday! Our worship service starts every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.   Services include Christ-exalting worship, Bible-centered teaching, and weekly communion.

Women’s Fall Brunch

Village Church of Bartlett 601 W. Bartlett Road, Bartlett, IL, United States

An annual tradition you won’t want to miss!  Over delicious food and conversation, we will grow in knowing our sisters in Christ more. You will hear about upcoming events plus a guest speaker will share an encouraging message to start our year of being “Rooted in Christ”, which includes a bible study.  We encourage you […]

Bike Repair Outreach

Calling all willing hands! We are looking for volunteers to fix bicycles and do some yard work to bless the children and families at Quail Run Apartments. These are primarily newcomer families who we provided backpacks for at the start of August. Sign up below or reach out to Christopher Patterson if you’re available to […]

Re-Set Sunday

Fountain View Recreation Center 910 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL, United States

Worship with us this Sunday! Our worship service starts every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. In the midst of back to school and the closing out of summer, it’s easy for life to feel hectic. At VCE we encourage everyone to Re-Set their hearts and minds as we also Re-Set our calendars and schedules. During this […]

Summer Picnic

Hampe Park 297 W Lies, Carol Stream, Il

Join us the second Sunday of each summer month for a potluck after the morning service. We eagerly anticipate these afternoons filled with great food and even better conversation. The picnic will begin around 1:00 pm at Hampe Park, just down Lies Road from Fountain View. We ask that everyone bring a dish to share. […]

Men’s Breakfast

Men, this monthly event is just for you! Come together over breakfast for a time of prayer and fellowship. This is a great opportunity to get to know other men from VCE, or to bring a friend. If you know you’ll be attending, we appreciate you registering online so we can give the restaurant an […]

Women’s Bible Study

In Living For What Really Matters- a study through the book of Philippians, author Teresa S. Anderson guides you through the book of Philippians showing that living a life deeply rooted in Christ takes more than trying to manufacture joy out of nowhere. In order to live a life for Jesus, among the people of Jesus, […]

Sunday Worship Service

Fountain View Recreation Center 910 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL, United States

Worship with us this Sunday! Our worship service starts every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.   Services include Christ-exalting worship, Bible-centered teaching, and weekly communion.

Village Kids Teacher Training

Fountain View Recreation Center 910 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL, United States

If you are interested in working with our kids and helping them encounter God’s Truth, then we need you! We are looking for more teachers in our Village Kids program. The commitment to serve would be at most once a month. See Jay or Amy Langfelder with further questions or if you plan to attend.

Apple Picking

Kuipers Family Farm 1N318 Watson Road, Maple Park, IL, United States

Mark your calendars for this VCE fall tradition! Come pick some delicious apples with your family and friends. All are welcome as we spend the afternoon in the orchard and the farm store. We will meet by the tractor and enter the orchard together. Cost is $13 per person (children age 2 and under are […]