Lunch with the Pastor

Brunch Cafe 1500 W Lake St, Roselle, IL, United States

One of our favorite ways to get to know someone new is at the “kitchen table!” The first Sunday of each month, Pastor Craig, his wife Beth, and a few members of our church go out to lunch after church with any visitors who are interested in learning more about Village Church East. We promise, […]

Men’s Game Night

Men, join us for an evening of food, games, and fun! We’ll be hanging out at the home of Mark Luce starting at 6pm – bring a friend and come when you can. Pizza will be provided.

Baptism Class & Breakfast

Starbucks 1057 W Lake Street, Hanover Park, IL, United States

Are you interested in being baptized? Or maybe you just want to learn more about what baptism is and why it’s important. Either way, we invite you to meet Pastor Craig for breakfast on Saturday, October 7 and have all your questions answered. The class runs about 45 minutes. Our next baptism service is planned […]

Ladies Walk & Talk

Come and enjoy a fall morning in God’s creation!  You can choose an easy walk over a bridge and through the woods or fellowship over fall snacks and a craft. Do all three if you wish! Let’s get together to enjoy the community of women He has brought together and continue to grow in friendships.  […]

Sunday Worship Service

Fountain View Recreation Center 910 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL, United States

Worship with us this Sunday! Our worship service starts every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.   Services include Christ-exalting worship, Bible-centered teaching, and weekly communion.

Women’s Bible Study

In Living For What Really Matters- a study through the book of Philippians, author Teresa S. Anderson guides you through the book of Philippians showing that living a life deeply rooted in Christ takes more than trying to manufacture joy out of nowhere. In order to live a life for Jesus, among the people of Jesus, […]

Sunday Worship Service

Fountain View Recreation Center 910 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL, United States

Worship with us this Sunday! Our worship service starts every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.   Services include Christ-exalting worship, Bible-centered teaching, and weekly communion.

Discover Village Class

Fountain View Recreation Center 910 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL, United States

Join us for a four-week class to learn more about Village Church, including our vision, values, ministries, and more! Attending Discover Village is your first step toward becoming a member at Village Church East. This class will meet on Sunday mornings at Fountain View on October 15th,  October 22nd, November 12th, and November 19th in […]

Women’s Fall Retreat

Perlstein Retreat Center s1301 Clara Ave, Lake Delton, WI, United States

Village Women, join us for our annual fall retreat in a setting with a lake and an opportunity to unplug and refresh your soul.  You can expect a reflective weekend with biblical teaching, vibrant worship, personal time, rest, small group connection, workshop experiences, fun activities,  and community. We hope you will join us.

Men’s Breakfast

Men, this monthly event is just for you! Come together over breakfast for a time of prayer and fellowship. This is a great opportunity to get to know other men from VCE, or to bring a friend. If you know you’ll be attending, we appreciate you registering online so we can give the restaurant an […]